Friday, July 19, 2013

5 Keys to Success

Are you doing what everyone else is doing online and you see it working for them and not working for you? Maybe the problem is with you, not with the program. Follow these keys to success daily for 90 days and you will be amazed at how much money you are making online.

1. Choose your programs wisely and commit to the ones you join. Don't chase every shiny new thing that comes along promising riches. If you bounce around like a jack rabbit trying every new program and only putting in effort for a few days to a few weeks you will never end up anywhere but the bottom. I recommend Big Idea Mastermind. I use it and swear by it.

2. Read daily for 30 minutes from authors who write about success. Why? After a while your thoughts and opinions will begin to reflect the values of those who are successful. This is important because even if you are sick of being poor, being in debt and living a life of poverty that doesn't mean that your subconscious mind isn't saying things like "I am to stupid to do this", "I am never going to get out of this situation", "No matter what I try I always fail". You can't just wish you had money, you need to change the things your subconscious mind is telling you. I suggest starting with "The 5 Lessons A Millionaire Taught Me" by Richard Paul Evans

3. Listen to audio for 30 minutes per day. This goes hand in hand with #2. If you listen to self help, motivational and success audio at least 30 minutes per day the messages will reach your subconscious mind and begin to influence your beliefs about what you can do.

“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”

― Mahatma Gandhi

4. Write daily. Practice makes perfect. If you make an effort to write daily, soon writing will be easy and come more natural. It doesn't matter what you write. Write a blog post or a letter to a friend. Write in your journal, write a thank you note or birthday card or a get well note. Don't let a day go by that you don't write something. 
5. Market daily. If you want customer you need to attract them. For the most part they aren't going to just stumble into you out of the blue. Create Facebook ads, Google ads, get free traffic through traffic exchanges, print up business cards and hand them out like candy. Make it easy for people to find you. On average you should reinvest a minimum of 10% of profits back into making more money through your business. Wouldn't spending $100 on marketing efforts be worth it if it brought in $250 worth of sales? Now that isn't guaranteed, sometimes your marketing efforts might not bring in any new business, if that's the case, try something else next time. Don't give up if you don't see results the first time. Want to try traffic exchanges as a free source of traffic for your site? I recommend the following two exchanges. I started a new blog on a Monday, by the following Saturday I had 2,415 hits to my blog just using these two exchanges.

The Most Popular Traffic Exchange

Follow these 5 keys to success and success is exactly what you will find. You have what it takes to stroll down the path to financial bliss. All you have to do is take the first steps...........Take that first step now.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Using Hex Codes to Design Your Website

Understanding a little bit about Hex Codes comes in handy if you are designing your own website, updating a free web template to better suit your needs or if you want your business cards and promotional items to exactly match your website.

What exactly is a hex code? Well, when you went to school and learned math, the system you learned was the decimal system or base 10. In base 10 we use the numbers 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9........look familiar? 

Computers on the other hand use a different system called the hexidecimal system or base 16. Because we don't have symbols to represent 10-11-12 etc we use letters to represent those numbers. 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-A-B-C-D-E-F

So what does that have to do with colors? Well, I'll tell ya. Computers see colors in RGB (Red, Green, Blue), each of those can have a value from 0 to 255, with 0 being the absence of color, 255 being full color. 

Example: Red = 255-0-0 
                   Green = 0-255-0
                   Blue = 0-0-255

Here is a chart showing the hexidecimal equivalents from 0-255.

0  =  0    51  = 33    102 = 66    153 = 99    204 = CC
  1  =  1    52  = 34    103 = 67    154 = 9A    205 = CD
  2  =  2    53  = 35    104 = 68    155 = 9B    206 = CE
  3  =  3    54  = 36    105 = 69    156 = 9C    207 = CF
  4  =  4    55  = 37    106 = 6A    157 = 9D    208 = D0
  5  =  5    56  = 38    107 = 6B    158 = 9E    209 = D1
  6  =  6    57  = 39    108 = 6C    159 = 9F    210 = D2
  7  =  7    58  = 3A    109 = 6D    160 = A0    211 = D3
  8  =  8    59  = 3B    110 = 6E    161 = A1    212 = D4
  9  =  9    60  = 3C    111 = 6F    162 = A2    213 = D5
 10  =  A    61  = 3D    112 = 70    163 = A3    214 = D6
 11  =  B    62  = 3E    113 = 71    164 = A4    215 = D7
 12  =  C    63  = 3F    114 = 72    165 = A5    216 = D8
 13  =  D    64  = 40    115 = 73    166 = A6    217 = D9
 14  =  E    65  = 41    116 = 74    167 = A7    218 = DA
 15  =  F    66  = 42    117 = 75    168 = A8    219 = DB
 16  = 10    67  = 43    118 = 76    169 = A9    220 = DC
 17  = 11    68  = 44    119 = 77    170 = AA    221 = DD
 18  = 12    69  = 45    120 = 78    171 = AB    222 = DE
 19  = 13    70  = 46    121 = 79    172 = AC    223 = DF
 20  = 14    71  = 47    122 = 7A    173 = AD    224 = E0
 21  = 15    72  = 48    123 = 7B    174 = AE    225 = E1
 22  = 16    73  = 49    124 = 7C    175 = AF    226 = E2
 23  = 17    74  = 4A    125 = 7D    176 = B0    227 = E3
 24  = 18    75  = 4B    126 = 7E    177 = B1    228 = E4
 25  = 19    76  = 4C    127 = 7F    178 = B2    229 = E5
 26  = 1A    77  = 4D    128 = 80    179 = B3    230 = E6
 27  = 1B    78  = 4E    129 = 81    180 = B4    231 = E7
 28  = 1C    79  = 4F    130 = 82    181 = B5    232 = E8
 29  = 1D    80  = 50    131 = 83    182 = B6    233 = E9
 30  = 1E    81  = 51    132 = 84    183 = B7    234 = EA
 31  = 1F    82  = 52    133 = 85    184 = B8    235 = EB
 32  = 20    83  = 53    134 = 86    185 = B9    236 = EC
 33  = 21    84  = 54    135 = 87    186 = BA    237 = ED
 34  = 22    85  = 55    136 = 88    187 = BB    238 = EE
 35  = 23    86  = 56    137 = 89    188 = BC    239 = EF
 36  = 24    87  = 57    138 = 8A    189 = BD    240 = F0
 37  = 25    88  = 58    139 = 8B    190 = BE    241 = F1
 38  = 26    89  = 59    140 = 8C    191 = BF    242 = F2
 39  = 27    90  = 5A    141 = 8D    192 = C0    243 = F3
 40  = 28    91  = 5B    142 = 8E    193 = C1    244 = F4
 41  = 29    92  = 5C    143 = 8F    194 = C2    245 = F5
 42  = 2A    93  = 5D    144 = 90    195 = C3    246 = F6
 43  = 2B    94  = 5E    145 = 91    196 = C4    247 = F7
 44  = 2C    95  = 5F    146 = 92    197 = C5    248 = F8
 45  = 2D    96  = 60    147 = 93    198 = C6    249 = F9
 46  = 2E    97  = 61    148 = 94    199 = C7    250 = FA
 47  = 2F    98  = 62    149 = 95    200 = C8    251 = FB
 48  = 30    99  = 63    150 = 96    201 = C9    252 = FC
 49  = 31    100 = 64    151 = 97    202 = CA    253 = FD
 50  = 32    101 = 65    152 = 98    203 = CB    254 = FE
                                                 255 = FF
So Red would be FF-0-0
   Green= 0-FF-0
   Blue= 0-0-FF 

Since we have 3 colors, each with a value that can range from 0 to 255 we have 16,777,216 possible color combinations. With that many options how do you match the border of your website to the font in your logo.......easy, you use the same hex code for all of them. 

Now lets say that you find the perfect yellow on someone's website and you want that exact yellow for part of your website. No problem. There is two ways you can do that.

1. In your browser options click on web designer then page source and read through lines upon lines of code and hope it's there and not in a .css document which you don't have access to.


2. User a color picker.

Frankly, I've done both and the color picker is the easier and least time consuming option.

Personally I use Color Pix. It's free and easy to use. 

Color Pix Hex Code

As you move your mouse around the color it's touching shows up in the little window and in the setting to the left you can find the hex code. You can see in this picture the hex code for the color shown is: #77625F

You can click the image above or click here to go to ColorSchemer and download ColorPix for free. It's a life saver and just plain old fun to use.

In this picture the color orange you see is #FB852D. Notice the little lock on the orange? That's another nice feature of Color Pix. You can press any key and lock the color into the finder so you won't loose it when you move your mouse. Then you can ctrl +c to copy the hex code and ctrl +v to paste it right where you want it. 

I hope you learned something new. Comment are welcome. :)

Friday, July 12, 2013

7 incredible reasons I use the Empower Network

There are 7 very important reasons I use the Empower Network. Those reasons are my 6 kids and my husband. What better reason than being able to support your family in just a few hours a day and with the 100% commissions this company offers I can do just that.

If you had asked me a couple months ago if it was possible to make 6 figures a month with an online program I would have said NO. I have been affiliate marketing for years earning anything from 10-50% commissions and working more hours than a full time job just to bring in a couple hundred dollars per month. Sound familiar?

Signing up through the Empower Network is the smartest thing I've ever done. Their training modules are incredible. I have learned more using their products than I ever did in the hundreds of marketing and money making book I've read. I swear by their products and recommend them to everyone I meet. Even if you don't want to sign up as an affiliate and sell their products at a 100% commission, you should at least purchase their products for your own personal use.

Do you want to get on the fast track and start making money today? I recommend signing up for the Empower Network through Big Idea Mastermind. I did and it's totally worth it. Click here and take a few minutes to watch the video and take the tour. It will change your life.

Don't continue to go to a JOB that you hate that takes up all your time. Empower you life. Secure your financial future with the wealth of information these products contain. Be what you want to be in life. Live the life you have always dreamed of......TODAY!!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Your PayDay has Arrived!!

If I told you that there was a program with a free sign up that would put you in a position to earn an extra $44 To $154 Any Time You Have 1-2 Hours To Spare On Your PC, With Guaranteed Results would you want to know more? Who wouldn't. Well, such a program does exist.

This isn't a get rich program but you can make real cold hard cash any time you want. Take just a minute to sing up for free and you could make your first $50 in the next 2 hours. This program allows you to make as much money as you would like to as long as you are willing to put in the time and effort. If you are a slacker or just here for quick cash with no effort, this program isn't for you.

Go ahead and create your account above so you can get started right now - with NO out-of-pocket cost - before it's too late. You truly have nothing to lose.

Click here

Monday, July 1, 2013

PTC. What is it anyway?

Perhaps you have heard the term PTC in passing. Maybe you have never even heard of it. Well, what is PTC anyway?? It's Paid to Click.  Believe it or not, there are sites out there that will pay you just to click adds and spend a few seconds to a few minutes on the advertisers site.

This is a great way to make a little extra cash. I am signed up for a dozen sites or more and spend a hour or so in the evening while watching TV and cuddling with my husband. The payouts are usually high and the real money come from referring a few friends. Most sites will give you 10% or 50% of the adds your friends click daily.

Here are a few of the ones I'm using right now. My suggestion? Sign up for them all.......invite a few of your closest friends to sign up using your affiliate diligent and click every day. (even if it means getting up an hour early or staying up an hour late.) Good luck!!

WordLinx - Get Paid To Click

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Thanks for coming to Fat Cat Money, your resource for making real money online. Hints, tips and more. Great for small business, stay at home moms, college students and retirees. I have been affiliate marketing for over 8 years and currently own over 10 websites and blogs bringing in nearly $20,000 a month. 

What is the purpose of making a blog about making real money online? I have been where you are. Everyone has to start somewhere and when I started, I started at the bottom. I made TONS of mistakes and it frankly took me years to make any money at all. I had a dozen or more sites that opened and closed without a single follower or bringing in a single dime. OUCH!! I want to save everyone out there lot of hassle and disappointment. 

Follow us and learn important SEO tips, marketing strategies, hot niches, money making opportunities, affiliate marketing, html coding, meta tags, utilizing social networking, creating a web presence, creating logos and business cards, driving traffic to your site and much more.

Disclaimer: The information presented on this site is to the best of my knowledge. Changing trends, algorithms, marketing strategies or third party business management might make some of this on this site irrelevant or inaccurate over time. By reading/following our blog or Facebook page you agree to not hold us liable for any funds lost, failed businesses, lack of in crease in rank or any other mishap caused by following information on this site. :)